Imperial Post created an original title animation for the third episode of the seventh season of Salomon Freeski TV. The animation was created to commemorate the 100th episode of Salomon Freeski TV.
Role: Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Creative Direction
Client: Switchback Entertainment & Salomon Freeski
Silk 'n Soft - Jay Trusler
A Product of the Environment - Rocky Mountain Bikes
Studio 54
Client: Janalee Budge & Whistler Blackcomb Foundation
Whistler Bike Park Orientation Guide
Client: Whistler Blackcomb
OneUp Components - The OneUp Self-Riding Mountain Bike
Arcteryx Presents Motherload
Red Bull Uncorked
Client: Magnafire Media & Red Bull
Earth, Air, Fire, Water - Rocky Mountain Bicycles
Taos Secrets Revealed
Client: Origin Design & Taos Ski Valley
Riding Red - Ross Reid & Arcteryx