Rocky Mountain Bikes and Liam Mullany reached out to us to create animated titles, a historical photo & video animation, and an ending logo animation for their 2021 Altitude video, A Product of the Environment. We locked into a bit of an old school look for the graphics, which helped identify the fact that the Altitude turned 30 years in 2021 and Rocky was celebrating 40!
A Product of the Environment - Rocky Mountain Bikes
Rocky Mountain Bikes & Liam Mullany reached out to us to help create title animations, a historical video & photo animation & an end logo animation for their 2021 Altitude film, A Product of the Environment.
Motion Graphics, Animation, Art Direction

Client: The Fissile Group & Heidmar

North of Known
Client: Reel Water Productions & Red Bull

Client: Reel Water Productions & Red Bull

Jumbo Wild
Client: Sweetgrass Productions & Patagonia

Red Bull Loops
Client: Magnafire Media & Red Bull

The Force Awakens in Craig McMorris
Client: Magnafire Media & Red Bull

Client: Dendrite Studios & Kye Petersen

Mustang Survival Stories Title Animation

Silver Wave
Client: Verb Cabin & Grundens

Electra Woman & Dyna Girl
Client: CVD VFX & Legendary Digital Media