The Fissile Group approached me to create a couple logo animations and an array of motion graphics for the shipping company, Heidmar. I brought on Kyle Healy to help bring the motion graphics to life.
Role: Creative Direction, Motion Graphics
Client: The Fissile Group & Heidmar

Child's Play
Client: Orion Pictures

The Feather From Fish Lake
Client: River Voices Productions & The Tsilhqot'in Nation

Trial & Error
Client: CVD VFX & NBC

Mike Wiegele Photo Animations

Fly Hawaii Logo Animation

Jet Boating Squamish
Client: Munster Films & Flynn Media Productions

OneUp Components - Ride Ready with EDC

Rocky Mountain Bikes - The Overtimepack

Super Pillows
Client: Switchback Entertainment & Salomon Freeski

Lazer Focused On - Anthill Films