Whistler Blackcomb logo animation
I was fortunate enough to work with Whistler Blackcomb on a redesign of their logo animation. Two animations were created to showcase their brand in their "bigger presence" moments and their "everyday" moments. The everyday animation.
Role: Motion Graphics, Creative Direction
Client: Whistler Blackcomb

Bromley Baseboards
Client: Bromley Baseboards

Arcteryx Presents Motherload

Mustang Survival Logo Animation
Client: Mustang Survival

Darcy Turenne Logo Animation
Client: Darcy Turenne

Spark Geo Mirror World - 6ix Sigma Productions

AST 1 - Altus Mountain Guides

Prescient.Earth - 6ix Sigma Productions & Spark Geo

Electra Woman & Dyna Girl
Client: CVD VFX & Legendary Digital Media

Munro Thompson Communications - Kitimat Bound

Quarter Past Midnight
Client: Switchback Entertainment & Salomon Freeski