Teaming up with Jeff Thomas and Mike Rogge, I created a title animation for their film for Grundens, Lawai'a.
Role: Creative Direction, Motion Graphics
Client: Verb Cabin & Grundens

Powerplay and Dyname 4.0 - Rocky Mountain Bicycles

This Is Beth - Well Travelled Collective & Jen Randall

Make Magic - Whitewater & Origin Outside

Double Exposure - The Beyond Series
Client: Whistler Blackcomb, Switchback Entertainment, & Origin Outside

Client: Blank Collective

Sun Peaks Resort
Client: Sun Peaks Resort & Origin Outside

Whistler Bike Park Orientation Guide
Client: Whistler Blackcomb

The Burn
Client: Switchback Entertainment & Salomon Freeski

Rocky Mountain Bicycles - The Ride Along

The Slayer
Client: Scott Secco & Rocky Mountain Bicycles